Our bones need a certain amount of strain and impact to stay strong. Weight bearing and progressive resistance exercises can help to build and maintain stronger, denser bones. As a rule of thumb, you need 30 minutes of bone building exercise most days to maintain/build better bone density. Exactly how much you need is dependent on your age, the type of activity you do (variety is good) and how long you do it for. Bone building exercise examples are given below:
- weight-bearing exercises e.g. brisk walking, hiking, stair climbing, jogging and tennis
- progressive resistance training e.g. gym equipment like leg press and seated rowing, lifting free weights i.e. dumbbells or ankle weights
- high impact exercise e.g. skipping, jogging, jumping and aerobics (these types of exercise may not be suitable for everyone e.g. if you’ve already broken a bone due to osteoporosis, talk to your doctor or physiotherapist)